
We use guidebooks published by Cicerone Press in the UK. They are a dependable and an essential source of information that includes day-by-day route details, accommodations, and alternate routes for weather. 

Note the published walking times are purely for walking, not breaks or route-finding. We advise deciding how far you wish to walk on any given day, and leave plenty of time for lunch breaks and photo opportunities. There's no need to make your trek a "death march"! Go at your own pace, and you will be hooked to trekking.

We also pick up trail maps locally. If trails are well-marked 1:50,000 is ok, but in more complicated terrain 1:25,000 provides more detail for route-finding. Also, there may be a hut that is in a more convenient location and you can see that better on the map. 

Most popular huts take reservations, especially in mid-July to August. Whatever you do, if you make a reservation, either show up or cancel it in advance as the hut wardens don't take kindly to no-shows. In case of an emergency over-fill, remote mountain huts may let individuals sleep on the floor (e.g. due to weather.) Don't leave the hut unless you can get safely to your next destination. The hut warden may be able to call ahead for you.

Route-finding, especially in inclement weather, can be challenging. Hut wardens can be helpful if English is spoken, but being self-sufficient is key.

Here is a link to Cicerone's Tour du Mont Blanc guidebook as an example: